Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Referenced five class mate picks

On October 2nd ,2012, while completing an exercise assigned by my english 191 professor, I selected five different books previously  selected by my classmates that I will briefly reference here.

My classmate Yazeed Al Ali selected the book titled "The Wandering Falcon"(1). This book is about the" story of  a young boy who wanders between different tribes in Pakistan and Afghanistan and witnesses a world full of brutality ,humanity, deep love, honor ,poverty, and grace"(page 2) from the beginning. On page (15) of the book , I found the first sentence "His arrival was so unexpected that it left them no time to hide" very interesting as I believe that it showed the brutality that the author is attempting to describe.

My second book was from my classmate Sultan Alnawmasi and it titled "Now is The Time For Running"(2). The book "is a staggering story of survival that follows Deo and his brother on a transformative journey " (page 2) from the beginning of the book. On page (15), I found the first sentence "You know what sacrifices were made for the freedom we now enjoy" as an interesting point .It is a true reflection on how people struggled and the price they paid for their freedom in Africa.

My third book was from Sengwiza Loris and it is titled "U.S.Eonomic Policy Toward Africa" (3). This book talks about the evolution of the U.S economic policy in Africa and the Aid policy . On page(15) , I found this quote "to help the poor majority of men and women in sub-saharian Africa to participate in a process of long-term development through economic growht that is equitable, participatory,environmentally sustainable, and self-reliant". It helped me understand the goal intended by the U.S economic policy toward some countries in Africa.

My fourth book was from Ouedraogo Jonathan and it is titled "How to talk Minnesotan AVisitor's Guide"(4) .It is about how to speak many different words in Minnesota . On page (15) of this book , I found this quote "Hand me another napkin ,please. This taco is not too bad, but it's running down my arm. It sort of reminds me of the barbecues we had yesterday". I didn't find anything particular in this quote as it sounded like something that would be said in other states .

My fifth book was from Abdul Mohsen .It is titled "Horse Thief " (5) . It's a novel that talks about a teenager who lost his fingers while on a bull and his courageous act of saving his thirteen horses that were going to be slaugthered for dog food. On page (15) , the first sentence "Only merritment as they nipped and nuzzled one another "didn't make any sense to me , as I couldn't understand it .

Works cited
(1) Ahmed Jamil, The wandering falcon, Penguin Group,2011 page 1
(2)  Micheal Williams, Now is Time For Running, Little Brown and Company , New York Boston ,2009
(3) Herbst, Jeffrey Ira, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS PRESS, New York 1992
(4) Howard Mohr, How To Talk Minnesotan (A Visitor's Guide), Penguin Group,1987
(5) Robert Newton Peck , Horse Thief, Harper Collins Publishers, 2002


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