Friday, September 14, 2012

Group 8:Plagiarism :9-18 Homework (Mohamed, Yang Qu, Yifu Chen

As a group, we consulted one another and each of us went on to read what we posted in our respective blogs. After reading the blogs, Mohamed went on to write the introduction for the presentation.

Yifu Chen did the research on the different definitions that we have listed in our presentation. He found the definitions that we used, one from 9/11/12  another one from 9/11/12
Mohamed shared a very recent  case of plagiarism that was done by a famous journalist of CNN (Fareed Zakaria ) .He got his information from the New York Times website where there was an article wrote on this case . “A scandal Threatens Zakaria's Image as a Media Star" from the New York Times written by CHRISTINE HAUGNEY, August, 19, 2012.

Yang Qu shared his personal views on plagiarism in china and gave us an example from an associate professor in Tong Ji University.  9/11/12 . Yang Qu found during his research that the goal of college education is to teach students how to produce original thoughts and analyze ideas. Plagiarism adds nothing new and does not show that the student has learned nothing. - issue-college_.html 9/11/12

Yifu Chen and Mohamed worked together to find different ideas on how to avoid plagiarism. They did some research on Leo that helped them find some good examples on how to avoid plagiarism. As a group, we decided to list two different ways on how to avoid plagiarism.

The goal of our group was to bring awareness about plagiarism as we found it as a form of crime, but it is viewed differently in different parts of the world. In poor countries and some countries where laws are not enforced, it goes unpunished .While in developed countries, there’s a financial aspect that is linked to it. People found guilty of plagiarism in America and other western countries have to pay a fine and pay a monetary compensation to the one they stole the idea from.

In poor countries , there’s a high level  of illiteracy and people tend to worry more about how to find what to eat than paying attention to who has copied someone’s else idea .

Here’s the list of our resources:

“A scandal Threatens Zakaria's Image as a Media Star" from the New York Times written by CHRISTINE HAUGNEY, August, 19, 2012 9/11/12

We found the resources very helpful, as they helped us get some accurate information that we cross referenced with other information and had a better idea of what we were trying to achieve as a goal for our group.

During the research that we have conducted, we came across so many valuable data that we sometime didn’t know which one to use .We consulted one another and ended up choosing the one’s that better reflect the goal that we were trying to achieve.

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